Looking for love nowadays feels both
easier and harder than ever. It's easier in the sense that there is
so many more ways to connect to people, not just in your community,
but around the world. It's harder in the sense that, with the rise of
technology, where you can find out any answer to any question, there
is a need for immediacy, and this has filtered through to the sexual
landscape we live in. I feel like all anyone wants these days is a
shag, and they are not prepared to wait for it.
I've been on many dates trying to find
the one. Wait, let me re-phrase that. I've been on many FIRST dates
trying to find the one. In the past I think I inadvertently gave out
mixed signals. I'd talk about wanting a relationship, then when they
said “Do you want to come back to mine, I'd say” “Yeah alright,
sounds good” People translate come back to mine as sex, but I
translate come back to mine as come back to mine. Do you know what I
mean? I'm honest and I say what I mean. If I say let's go back to
yours, I don't mean let's have sex. If I wanted to have sex with you,
I'd try to awkwardly say back at mine or yours “Sooooooo … do you
wanna *cough cough* you know … do the deed” As lame as that
sounds, you see, I've never fully had sex. I've tried a couple of
times, but never went through with it. I've just not felt comfortable
enough. I'd love to find someone who is willing to have some patience
when it comes to sex. Now that doesn't mean, we take the smallest
steps in the world when it comes to intimacy. It also doesn't mean I
don't love a good flirt. What it means is that when it comes having
the best sexual experience, it won't happen immediately, so let's
just take our time and practice, as we get to know each other more
and more, and like each other more and more, it'll get so much
better. I fear though that this situation is unrealistic. No one
seems to truly understand. They say they do, but they never follow
through in reality.
Another problem I seem to have is with
protection. A lot of people don't seem to want to wear it. I do
everything protected. This doesn't mean I think you're infected. This
means that with the rise of STI's nowadays, I'm not willing to take
that risk with ANYONE on the PLANET. If we, down the line, end up in
a relationship and are totally comfortable and trustworthy, then of
course we can leave it, but even then, do we really have to? Does it
really make that much of a difference? I wouldn't know if it does,
but I wouldn't think so.
All this talk of sex really dilutes
what should be at the heart of a relationship, and as corny as this
sounds, it's love (oh god cringe, i'm a big softie). Sex shouldn't be
the be all and end all. Of course you need to find the other person
physically very attractive but that doesn't mean you need to rush to
have sex. Love is about more than sex. It's about someone's
personality, having fun, getting to know each others hobbies and
passions etc.
We, and I'm including myself in this,
need to stop judging everyone so harshly, and give people a chance.
You never know who might come round the corner. Not everyone is going
to look like a model. This doesn't mean you need to drop your
standards. I love a guy who keeps fit for example. All it means is,
if someone has a certain hang up or less than perfect aspect or
aspects, don't dump them immediately. In this time we live in, we
need to be more caring for each other, and less excluding. The world
needs love, we need love, I need love.