Ever since Chains and Jealous I've been rather taken by him. What I loved about Jealous (this might sound weird) is the role he took in the song. Let me explain. One of my favourite songs of all time is Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know. In the song she's angry at an ex lover, cursing him for being an asshole. I loved the unattractive role she takes in the song. Normally in love songs, the person singing is a wallflower who has done little to nothing wrong, and they are elegantly reminiscing about what could have been. Now this picture isn't very real to life I think, so I love how she gets so raw and angry, telling him exactly how she feels. This is how I feel about Jealous. He could very well have wrote a song about how much he love and idolizes her, blah blah blah which he still does but he is also real and paints himself not as a heartfelt innocent casanova but as a guy prone to jealousy for which he's sorry for. I absolutely love that.
Now in terms of videos, Levels was pretty damn hot with Nick in his tan jacket dancing around the stage. Now though he's revealed the video for Under You, and oh my jesus I need water. If you haven't seen it here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmAhyHemR8
Now that we've all caught up, I think we can all collectively say, we either want to be Shay Mitchell (Pretty Little Liars) or Nick Jonas (my future husband) in this video. The shower scene made my eyes melt. At first I thought her sitting down in the shower and him coming over to console her was very Casino Royale, but then they get it on, both with the most enviable bodies and it's even better. Defo gymspiration right there folks. No doubt this video is getting re-watched. It's so slick, well made and exciting for all the right reasons, and is definitely my favourite Nick Jonas video so far.
It's also in this time when the gay community are needing all the support they can get, that it's important to point out how healthy figures like Nick Jonas are. Very rarely are there male straight figures in the music industry, looking for major commercial success, who are so open and inclusive of the gay community. If more straight figures in the entertainment industry did the same, especially straight males, then that would make a big difference in the perception of the LGBTQIA community, and how they should be treated as fans.
So there many reasons why I love Nick Jonas. I've only scratched the surface. Of course i fancy the pants off of him, (duh I have eyes don't I?!) but that's not the only reason, and I hope I've explained that well in this post. Now i'm off to watch Under You for the 20 millionth time. Oh Shay you lucky bitch ;)

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