I thought I had uncovered so many
different facets to myself via this blog but one request asked me to
write a post talking about myself, and talking about myself is my
favourite subject. So I thought I would post the most narcissistic
top 25 facts about me blog post. Also F.Y.I while I'm writing this
I'm listening to Geri Halliwell – Look At Me, so i'm feeling myself
- My full name is Christopher Derek Carruthers. I was never a fan of the middle name when I was younger, but I've learnt to embrace my Dad's name hence ChrisDerekCarr.
- I was born in Cresswell Hospital in Dumfries. Apparently my Mum was in labour with me for mere minutes. I shot out of her like a cannon.
- I grew up on a street called Larchfield Road. It could be rough at times but I had great people around me like my best friend Lisa.
- I went to St Michael's Primary School. I had great times there, from winning awards like The Man of the Match trophy in P6 for football (yes you read that right, football) where I scored a cracking header from the box in a tournament at Noblehill Primary (I may have just took a jump of faith and it happened to bounce off my head but we'll keep that between you and me) to bad times like pissing myself in P1 because I thought it would be so embarrassing to ask to go to the toilet … forgetting that pissing my pants in front of everyone would be much more embarrassing
- Dumfries Academy was my high school. I look back on my time there with mixed feelings. I got a lot of crap when I went there which made me crippling embarrassed at everything, but I was always a nice person and my favourite subject was drama.
- During my time at Dumfries Academy I was lucky enough to make productions with the National Theatre of Scotland. I was the lead in Do A Dance No One Can See You Do and Put It In A Little Bag (*sharp intake of breath*), Breaking Silence and Cartouche. I was going to study drama but presenting took over, although I'd love to re-visit my acting and also sing more as I was always too scared at high school to do myself justice and go for it.
- I was also for a short period of time in the Rugby team (i'm not joking, I tried out and everything) I only competed in 2 games. One against Dumfries High School and the other against at The Dumfries Rugby Club. In my last game I was put in the opposite team for numbers … so as you can see, I was highly valued.
- I've had many pets in my life … mostly all dead (don't give me your pets dear god) Pip and Squeak were my first cats. Penny was a hamster. Sandy was a ginger tomcat (that cat fucking hated me btw) and today we've got Suki in the family (a brown furred cute little bitch who just wants me to open doors and make food for her)
- My favourite singer is 100% Leona Lewis (and this isn't your cue to slag her off, so shut up)
- I'm not a great swimmer. I can only do front crawl, and I can only do it like I'm a race.
- I used to be in the Hear'Say fan club where they thought I was called Christopher Carnutters … grumble
- I came out when I was 18 and it's one of the best things I've ever done. The feeling of not having to carry that secret weight on your shoulders any longer is one of the best feelings.
- When I was younger my best attempt at pretending I liked girls was saying I fancied Heidi from the Sugababes when in fact she was just my fave babe
I moved to Glasgow 3 years ago. I studied HNC and HND Radio for my first two years where I got A's and made documentaries called Moving The Goalposts (all about the lack of out gay players in big time professional football) and Witness The Fitness (all about different ways to keep fit … I didn't really know where I was going with it but I got an A. it's pretty good if I don't say so myself https://soundcloud.com/soundcityradio <<<<<< there's the link, just scroll down to Witness The Fitness, you'll see my selfie lol)
- As you will all know if you care, I like to keep fit. I may not have reached my peak goal yet but I'm proud of the progress i've made so far, and aiming for my goals keeps me motivated (well … also seeing fit guys workout but mainly fitness goals)
- I used to sleepwalk when I was younger, so much so that I once mistakenly thought the binbag was the toilet … don't worry guys I only needed a number 1.
- My favourite pokemon was always Starmie. Purple, a star and a big crystal in the middle … guys can you blame me?!
- My favourite movie is Spirited Away. From Studio Ghibli it's the most magical film i've ever seen, and I was engrossed immediately
- I once took part in a flashmob which is on youtube under Dumfries Flashmob, where we danced so terribly … defo be a 1 from Craig.
- I've never been in a relationship. Not a player just no one will take me lol
- Sometimes when my brother is out the flat I like to blast karaoke tracks and sing at the top of my lungs. My fave at the moment is Adele - Hello
- Now I'm working away in Glasgow while blogging, presenting, selfie...ing. PRESENT DAY. (I may look sad but I've got nice titties in this so it's staying)
As always you can follow me on Facebook @Chris Carruthers, follow me on Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat @ChrisDerekCarr and also I'm on BlogLovin so show me some love by clicking those widgets
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