Sunday, 11 September 2016

The Comedown

Time is a cruel mistress. You're having a brilliant time and before you know it, it's all already over. Enter the comedown. A feeling as of late I'm struggling to cope with. My life isn't exciting enough at the moment that one exciting day is replaced by another straight away. If that were the case I could replace my sad feeling or dull it at least with the joy of my new fun day. Time isn't something you can change. It always flows the same for everyone although it doesn't feel that way. Time doesn't feel fair. Why is it the most boring and difficult days are the ones that drag? Why can't my fun days stay a little bit longer? It's on those long journeys home on the train or nights lying alone in your bed looking at the ceiling, that I really start to question everything. Why won't this knot in my stomach go away? Why do I comedown so hard? Why do I worry so much in the moment when I should be just enjoying it? I'm just rambling on and I'm not quite sure how to articulate myself on this matter. All I know is I need to find my constant so whilst I'm feeling the comedown they are always there to comfort me.

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